Join Keep Roswell Beautiful Today!

Join Keep Roswell Beautiful for as little as $25 a year! Support our vision of a Roswell with healthy land, clean water, and a vibrant environmental culture by becoming a member today!

Click here to learn more and donate today for a better Roswell tomorrow!

Roswell Rivers Alive is September 21, 2024 – Time for Another Successful Year!

In 2023, Keep Roswell Beautiful and the City of Roswell once again held one of the largest cleanup events in Roswell and North Fulton! More than 200 volunteers helped remove thousands of pounds of litter and invasive species from Roswell’s parks and waterways, and planted more than 50 native plants! We had a TON of fun and two tons of success working together to make our community a better and cleaner place.  Now it’s time to do it all again! Rivers Alive 2024 is September 21, 2024. Some Free T-shirts will be available for early registrants!   More details here!  Let’s have an amazing 2024 Roswell Rivers Alive cleanup!


Join or renew your membership in 2024!

KRB has a membership program to help support our efforts in the community, including educational programs offered  for free. Membership helps fund stewardship programs and provide resources such as materials and replacement equipment for programs like Adopt-A-Stream, litter pickups, and invasive plant pulls. Click here to learn more about membership.

And the winner could be YOU! Come watch 1,000 ducks race down Big Creek for The Great Annual Duck Race!

The Great Annual Duck Race, KRB’s annual fundraiser, will launch nearly 1,000 ducks into Big Creek on October 19, 2024. Buy your ducks today! Proceeds support our education and stewardship programs.  Thank you to all our supporters!Duck Race

Our Story

Roswell, Georgia – a city steeped in history, culture, and beautiful natural surroundings. We at Keep Roswell Beautiful count ourselves fortunate to live here. And although we may have originally come from other cities or other states, Roswell is our home.

KRB’s mission is to cultivate environmental stewardship in the Roswell community. We take that mission seriously and employ a variety of methods, such as community education and programs that promote litter control, recycling, and community beautification, to reach our goals. Our efforts today help ensure a beautiful, thriving Roswell for tomorrow.

Our vision is a Roswell with healthy land, clean water, and a vibrant environmental culture. Along with dedicated volunteers, KRB partners with the City of Roswell Environmental/Public Works Department to bring to Roswell’s citizens such programs as Adopt-A-Road, Adopt-A-Stream, Storm Drain Marking, Bring One for the Chipper, and Rivers Alive.

Since 2003, KRB has won the annual Keep America Beautiful President’s Circle Award. Other past recognitions include Keep Georgia Beautiful’s Community Improvement Award, Litter Prevention Award, and Affiliate Award; Rivers Alive Outstanding Waterway Cleanup Award; and Keep America Beautiful’s System Award.