Take the #BeRecycled Pledge for America Recycles Day 
Each year on November 15th, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recognizes the importance and impact of recycling on America Recycles Day. Recycling has contributed to American prosperity and the protection of the environment. In America, the recycling rate has increased from less than 7% in 1960 to the current rate of 34%. An EPA study found that every 10,000 tons of materials recycled supports nearly 16 jobs and $760,000 in wages.
Keep America Beautiful and its local affiliates focuses on individual action on this day and highlights the importance of (1) recycling at home, work, school, (2) buying products made with recycled content, and (3)educating and encouraging friends, family, and neighbors. We encourage you to take the #BeRecycled pledge!
The Benefits of Recycling:
• Reduces the amount of waste sent to landfills and incinerators
• Conserves natural resources such as timber, water and minerals
• Increases economic security by tapping a domestic source of materials
• Prevents pollution by reducing the need to collect new raw materials
• Saves energy
• Supports American manufacturing and conserves valuable resources
• Helps create new well-paying jobs in the recycling and manufacturing industries in the United States
Learn more about recycling in Roswell from our mascot, KiRBy in this short video.